Have you tried:
- Opening the document,
- Going into printing preferences from the document and changing them to your desires,
- Then Saving The Document?
Yes.And if it is a newer document, created after the problem began, the fix lasts only until I close and re-open the file.
Except...Just to humor you, I took a known "bad" file, checked the options and sure enough it was "Manual Tray 1", changed it to "Automatic", then saved the file. From that point onward, the file was fixed permanently, contrary to previous experiences
AND EVERY OTHER FILE I CAN FIND, NEWER, OLDER, FRESHLY CREATED, EXCEL, WORD, ACROBAT, PAINT... I CANNOT find a file that now is set to "Manual Tray 1".Did you sneak past my firewall and fix it, and now you're just messing with me?

I knew at the time I should have just stayed with "Pong" back in the 1970's.
Now I'll see if it stays fixed!
While we're talking about weird printer issues, try this one on for size. My printer has built-in duplexing that works quite well, except for one thing: If I try to print an Adobe Acrobat file duplex, I will get a paper jam every 3--5 pages if I print out of the default tray #2, the "regular" tray that you lay 250 sheets of paper into. I can print a 50 page Excel file or a Microsoft Word file in duplex mode from that tray, but not a PDF file. If I am patient enough and don't mind throwing away four pages to get a 10-page duplex PDF print job, I can eventually print the file. Instead now I just put the pages into the manual feed tray (tray #1, it will hold about 50 sheets) and then the PDF will print with no problems. I just finished an 80-page PDF file (40 sheets of paper duplex) from the manual feed tray and was confident enough to leave the printer unattended while it ran. But if I tried to print that file from the "regular" tray it would take me an hour to get the first 20 pages out of it, and I'd have eight or ten pages in the trash.
Only PDF files exhibit this behavior, and it is absolutely repeatable. As a test just now I saved a PDF file in RTF format and printed a 16-page section of the RTF file duplex from tray 2 with no problems. It would have been virtually impossible to print the original PDF file out of tray 2.
Maybe my printer just doesn't like Adobe.
Edit: Ooops, I was wrong. The PDF --> RTF --> Print file only printed 14 of the 16 pages. It jammed on page 15. Not a jam, but a "Misfeed", which is the usual occurrence when printing duplex PDFs.